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Celebrating God’s presence in one another and our world, and inspired by our founder Cornelia Connelly, Mayfield Senior School's mission is to provide young women an intellectually empowering learning community of joy and belonging, where students enact their faith and love by transforming the world with their God-given gifts.

Our Holy Child Goals

Committed to meeting the wants of the ages, Holy Child educators developed collaboratively seven goals as principles in how students are educated in the spirit of Cornelia Connelly. With 9 schools in the US network and international presence, the goals serve as a framework for the Holy Child community

Goal 1: 信仰

Holy Child Schools foster a faith commitment that leads to a joyous personal relationship with God in addressing the realities of the world.

Goal 2: Community

Holy Child Schools live, learn, and worship as a dynamic Catholic community.

Goal 3: Curiosity

Holy Child Schools offer an intellectually challenging, 创新, and creative program of study that develops academic excellence, encourages curiosity, and instills the joy of learning.

Goal 4: Justice

Holy Child Schools promote Catholic social teaching in every facet of life as we carry out our motto, “Actions Not Words.”

Goal 5: Respect

Holy Child Schools create a learning climate based on trust and reverence for the dignity and uniqueness of each person.

Goal 6: Growth

Holy Child Schools promote the personal growth and development of all who participate in the life of the School.

Goal 7: 任务

Holy Child Schools ensure the continuation and growth of Holy Child mission and philosophy in the School.

Our Philosophy

"Respectful of its traditions, Mayfield is always open to the new, “meeting the wants of the age” in the spirit of Cornelia Connelly, founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Cornelia Connelly viewed God’s world with deep respect and care. Her schools offer a holistic response to the challenges of each historical period. This education requires insight into the needs of the time regarding its values, 道德, choices and spirituality."

Read Our Philosophy Statement about Our Philosophy
Our Founder: Cornelia Connelly

Mayfield Senior School is a testament to Cornelia’s vision and to all that is unique to a Catholic, Holy Child education—love of learning, a lifelong commitment to service, a strong sense of self, a joyful spirit, and true respect for the inherent worth of every human being.

She boldly provided her female students with a rigorous curriculum and instructed her teachers to “lead pupils by love rather than fear,” and encouraged them to “take the trouble to study the character of each child.” She understood that the right learning environment could create a lasting impact far beyond “book learning”—it could build character, spirit and faith. The hallmark of a Holy Child School is its emphasis on respect, trust and joy.

"Sustain a bright and joyful spirit." — Cornelia Connelly

The heart of Mayfield Senior School's education lies in its Catholic, Holy Child values that inspire students to become joyful young women of faith, empowered with a strong sense of self, a respect for the dignity of others, and the awareness that God is an active presence in our lives. These educational values are shared and celebrated through our bond as members of the Holy Child Network of Schools.